Sweet Onions

Cindy Wu
May 15, 2000

The problem with buying at Costco is that you end up getting too much of a good thing. Those large plump flat-shaped Mayan onions even smelt sweet. I got a bag of 5 lbs. worth. Now I got to cook them. Sweet onions do not keep as well as their yellow cousins. So we'd been having onion dishes almost every day for a week: sweet onion in stir-fries, sweet onion in soups and stews. Nobody complained because they were good.

Stir-fried Onion, Pork and Eggs

one medium sweet onion
6 oz pork
2 eggs
1 tblsp soy sauce
1 tblsp corn starch
2 tblsp cooking oil
dash of salt and pepper 

Cut pork into strips and marinate with 1 tblsp soy sauce and 1 tblsp corn starch for 10 minutes. Cut onion into strips. Heat oil and stir-fry onion strips for one minute, add pork strip, stir for another minute. Beat eggs and add mixture  to pan over onion and pork. When egg mixture starts to solidify, add salt and pepper and stir to break up egg mixture. Serve warm over rice. Make 2 one-cup servings.

Stir-fried Onion, Tofu and Spinach

1 large sweet onion, cut into strips
1 cup pressed tofu, cut into strips
2 cup spinach leaves
1 tblsp cooking wine
2 tblsp cooking oil
1 tblsp soy sauce
salt and pepper

Heat oil, stir in onion, stir for about 30 seconds. Add tofu strips and soy sauce, stir for another 30 seconds. Add spinach and cooking wine, while on high heat, cover pan for 30 seconds. Uncover pan, add salt and pepper, stir well and serve warm. Make 4 3/4-cup servings

Stir-fried Onion, Beef and Asparagus

1 large sweet onion, cut into strips
8 oz beef, cut into strips
2 cup asparagus, cut into strips
1 tblsp soy sauce
1 tblsp corn starch
1 tblsp cooking wine
2 tblsp cooking oil
salt and pepper

Marinate beef strips with 1 tblsp soy sauce and 1 tblsp corn starch for 10 minutes. Heat 1 tblsp cooking oil, stir-fry onion strips till wilted, set aside. Heat  remaining oil, stir-fry beef strips till meat turns color, set aside. Add asparagus to pan, add cooking wine, with high heat cover pan and let asparagus sweat for 30 seconds. Uncover pan and mix in onion and beef strips, add salt and pepper. Mix well and serve warm. Make 4 3/4-cup servings.

Onion Stewed Pork Chops

5 or 6 pork chops, about 3 oz each
1 large onion, cut into strips
3 tblsp cooking oil
2 tblsp cooking wine
2 tblsp soy sauce
1/4 cup water

Heat oil, brown pork chops, about 30 seconds on each side, set aside. Add onion, stir till wilted. Add cooking wine, soy sauce and water, mix well. Return pork chop to pan, cover and simmer for about 5 minutes. Serve warm. Make 4 1/2 cup servings.

Pakistani Chicken

half a chicken, about 1 lb., cut into pieces
1 large sweet onion, cut into strips
1/2 cup tomato sauce
3 tblsp cooking oil
salt and pepper

Heat oil, brown chicken pieces, set aside. Add onion, stir till soften, add tomato sauce. Return chicken to pan. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve warm. Make about 4 3/4-cup servings.

Stewed Beef, Onion and Vegetable Soup

6 oz beef cubes
1 medium onion, cut into pieces
1 small carrot, cut into pieces
1 medium tomato, cut into pieces
half a small cabbage, tear into piece
3 cup water
2 tblsp cooking oil
salt and pepper

Heat oil, brown beef. Add water and all vegetable to a big pot, bring to boil. Add beef, reduce heat and simmer for an hour. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve warm. Make 4 one cup servings.

Onion and Corn Chowder

1 cup corn kernels
1 large onion, chopped
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup chopped mushroom
1 cup water
1 cup broth
1 tblsp cooking oil
2 tblsp corn starch
salt and pepper

Heat oil, brown onion a bit. Add onion, celery, mushroom, water and broth to a big pot. Bring to boil, add salt and pepper, simmer for 10 minutes. Add corn, simmer for another 5 minutes. Use 2 tblsp of water to dissolve corn starch, add to boiling soup to thicken it. Serve warm. Make 4 one cup servings.